Delegation & Collaboration at Work

3-4 hours Live online
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Session Description

At the root of collaboration is a need or desire to problem solve, create or discover. When an organization is facing volatility, uncertainty, complexity or ambiguity, collaboration and delegation become critically important. But they can feel difficult to execute. This is especially true for organizations with siloed work cultures.

In this fundamental training, participants will learn to see collaboration as a creative process where every contributor is regarded as an equal. They will examine two inseparable types of collaboration and how best to apply them when it comes to delegating roles and responsibilities.

Learning Objectives

  • Understand how collaboration differs from control, ensures buy-in, and increases ownership and accountability
  • Prepare to improve the quality of collaboration to unburden employees who feel overwhelmed by the quantity and frequency of communications
  • Explore ways to optimize productive relationships using collaboration tools and creating collaborative communities
  • Learn three factors to help determine whether or not to delegate tasks or projects –and to whom
  • Get five keys to improve how you delegate – and when – so employees see the big picture, feel empowered to deliver results, and learn from the assigned responsibility


  • Individual Reflection
  • Lecture
  • Small-Group Exercises
  • Small- & Large-Group Discussion

Target Audience

  • Leaders at all levels
  • High-potential individual contributors
  • Project/Program managers

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