CON 091 Contract Fundamentals

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CON 091 Contract Fundamentals

Questions? Contact our training coordinator via email or phone at (202) 843.5447.

Course Description

Given an acquisition scenario, the student will determine the contract formation and management principles, as well as the acquisition regulations, applicable to the DoD.

Course Concept

The first module of the course will be focused on familiarizing the student with using the FAR; Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS); DFARS Procedures, Guidance, and Information (PGI); and DoD Class Deviations, and developing critical skills necessary to locate, interpret, and apply rules. Subsequent modules will focus on the fundamentals of contract formation and management principles, to include the practical application of the FAR/DFARS/DFARS PGI/DoD class deviations to real-world scenarios.

Evaluation (How performance will be assessed)

1. Students will be evaluated on the basis of their performance on exams and graded exercises. Students must achieve a final grade of 80% to pass. A breakdown of the evaluation scheme is provided below:

Exam 1
Exam 2
Exam 3
Options Exercise
Module 5 Capstone
Group Briefing

DAU Classroom Brief
Deviations from the FAR/DFARS
Putting it all Together
Intro to CON 091
Interpreting the FAR
Practice Exercises
Begin Module 2
FAR, DFARS, & DFARS PGI Basics, Org. & Arrangement
Applicability of Rules
Contract Formation Principles
Uniform Contract Format Sections A-G
Morning Scavenger Hunt
Scavenger Hunt
Contract Admin Overview
Contract Types
Begin Module 4
Government Property
Uniform Contract Format Sections H-M
Selecting a Contract Type
Contract Initiation
Indefinite-Delivery Contracts
Small Business Subcontracting Limitations
Contractor Performance Info
Scavenger Hunt
Contract Closeout
Performance Issue Group Briefings (Graded Exercise)
Late Morning:
Begin Module 5
Contract Changes (cont.)
Module 5 Capstone (Graded Exercise)
Options (Graded Exercise)
Contract Changes
Contract Termination
Contract Performance Issues
Course Length: 13 Class Days
CLPs: 104 hours
Cost: Call

Module 1:Terminal Learning Objective (TLO):

Determine the applicability of policies and procedures in the FAR, DFARS, DFARS PGI, and DoD CDs.
To achieve this learning objective, students must demonstrate the ability to:

  • Identify basic background information pertaining to the FAR, DFARS, and DFARS PGI.
  • Recognize the organization and arrangement of the FAR, DFARS, and DFARS PGI.
  • Given a DoD acquisition scenario, apply information contained in the FAR/DFARS/DFARS PGI/CDs.
  • Recall the general policy for authorizing deviation from the FAR and DFARS.
  • Apply the conventions for interpreting the FAR.
  • Provide a citation to the part, subpart, section, subsection, or paragraph level in the FAR/DFARS/DFARS PGI/CDs to support a position.
Module 2:Terminal Learning Objectives:
  • Apply the principles of contract formation.
  • Given a DoD acquisition scenario, choose the information that would be included in a solicitation or contract.
Module 3:Terminal Learning Objectives:
  • Differentiate between the types of contracts, and apply the policies and procedures for use in DoD acquisitions.
  • Given a DoD acquisition scenario, determine the applicability of the policies and procedures for small business subcontracting.
  • Apply the policies and procedures for using simplified acquisition procedures.
Module 4: Terminal Learning Objectives:
  • Determine the applicability of the policies and procedures for contract administration.
  • Differentiate between the types of indefinite-delivery contracts, and determine when they may be used in DoD acquisitions.
  • Differentiate between the types of agreements, and determine when they may be used in DoD acquisitions.
  • To achieve this learning objective, students must demonstrate the ability to:
  • Identify the policies and procedures for the postaward orientation of contractors.
  • Recognize the policies and procedures for assigning and performing contract administration.
  • Apply the policies and procedures for contractors’ management and use of Government property.
  • Interpret the policies and responsibilities for recording and maintaining contractor performance information.
  • Identify the characteristics of the three types of indefinite-delivery contracts.
  • Recognize the policies and procedures for using multiple-award and single-award IDIQ contracts.
  • Recall the policies and procedures for establishing and using indefinite-delivery contracts.
  • Interpret the policies and procedures for establishing and using agreements.
  • Identify the characteristics of agreements.
  • Provide a citation to the part, subpart, section, subsection, or paragraph level in the FAR/DFARS/DFARS PGI/CDs to support a position.
Module 5:Terminal Learning Objectives:
  • Given a DoD acquisition scenario, determine the applicability of the policies and procedures for preparing and processing contract modifications.
  • Given a DoD acquisition scenario, determine the applicability of the policies and procedures
  • for terminating DoD contracts.
  • Given a DoD acquisition scenario, determine the applicability of the policies and procedures
  • for closing out DoD contracts.
  • Given a DoD acquisition scenario, execute the process for addressing a contract performance issue.

Contact Joy Smith Stone at for more information or to schedule this or any of GGS’s other Professional Acquisition and Contracting Training Series courses.