COR Refresher (1 Day): Contracting Officer Representative (COR) Refresher

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Product Details
Contracting Officer Representative

(COR) Refresher

Course Length: 1 day

Classroom Hours: 8 CLPs

Course Purpose

This “refresher” course provides the most current insight for enhancing functional knowledge and technical performance for the Contracting Officer’s Representative (COR), Task Administrator, Cognizant Technical Officer (CTO), Quality Assurance Evaluator (QAE), or other contractor oversight positions. The course presents and discusses new laws and regulations, as well as recent General Accounting Office (GAO) and Inspector General (IG) cases that pertain to the federal government oversight process. In addition, this course reemphasizes procurement integrity and ethics issues as a key ingredient to effective performance.


The course starts with a refresher “quiz” on hot topics and current contract management issues. Participants and the instructor discuss real-life scenarios and ever-changing challenges for the COR. This course encourages interactive exchanges of information to enhance knowledge by sharing experiences and forming networks for the future.

Target Audience

All federal government CORs, or similar professionals that desire to stay current in their contract administration function and/or must complete a refresher course every two years to maintain their current certification.

Course Objectives

•Refresh the COR with:New laws and regulationsEmerging initiatives in contractor oversightRecent trends in acquisition•Emphasize the importance of teamwork between the technical/engineering and the contractingcommunities for effectively conducting the contracting process•Raise the level of awareness of non-contracting personnel to their value and importance in the contractingprocess•Reinforce the different responsibilities of the Contracting Officer and the COR

Course Outline

•Re-Examination of the Federal Government Acquisition Process

•An Update and Review of Current Legislation Regulations and Policies

•Another Look at Federal Government Contracts and Contracting

•Discussion of Performance Experiences from View of the Contracting Officer and the COR

•Identification of Current Duties and Responsibilities of the COR and Potential Changes that May ImpactPerformance

•Administration Experiences including Delinquencies and Disputes

•A Refresh of COR’s Role in Tracking Contract Funding

•Highlights for the Current Emphasis on Effective and Timely Contract Close-out

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