Manager, Leader, or Both?
Manager, Leader, or Both?
Two skills have become top priorities for learning and development organizations: management and leadership. Both are important but distinct skills and, without training, too much of one or the other can lead to serious trouble. As John Kotter points out, being over-managed and under-led stifles innovation, while the opposite leads to too much change and no execution.
The true balance will drive productivity and achieve strategic goals as they were intended. This course will help you differentiate when to utilize which skill set so you can manage and lead more effectively.
- Management and leadership: What’s the difference?
- What to manage
- When to lead
- Build your management and leadership vision
- Lecture
- Discussion
Target Audience
- Supervisory to mid-level leaders
- High-potential individual contributors
- Project/Program Managers

Manager, Leader, or Both?
Manager, Leader, or Both?
Two skills have become top priorities for learning and development organizations: management and leadership. Both are important but distinct skills and, without training, too much of one or the other can lead to serious trouble. As John Kotter points out, being over-managed and under-led stifles innovation, while the opposite leads to too much change and no execution.
The true balance will drive productivity and achieve strategic goals as they were intended. This course will help you differentiate when to utilize which skill set so you can manage and lead more effectively.
- Management and leadership: What’s the difference?
- What to manage
- When to lead
- Build your management and leadership vision
- Lecture
- Discussion
Target Audience
- Supervisory to mid-level leaders
- High-potential individual contributors
- Project/Program Managers