Team Building/ Leading Teams and Groups

3-Days Virtual or In-person
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Product Details

This 3-day workshop will introduce participants to the fundamental principles and tools for understanding how to effectively lead and contribute to their teams and groups. We will focus on the interpersonal leadership and team skills that can help formal and informal leaders at all levels to create and effectively impact teams. This workshop will help equip and empower participants with the experience, knowledge, and tools that they can implement to create an engaging team that performs at a high level.

Course Objectives:
Participants who successfully complete this course will be able to:
  • Use the stages of team or group development to better contribute to team effectiveness
  • Use team characteristics and their team member roles to better contribute to team effectiveness
  • Understand the role of formal and informal leadership at different stages of team development
  • Assess their leadership style and communication
  • Give & receive constructive feedback
  • Use active listening with team members
  • Resolve interpersonal conflicts
  • Be able to identify what to look for in team or group dynamics
  • Understand team diversity and how it contributes to conflict, problem solving and innovation
  • Be able to differentiate among different “work styles,” creating a greater appreciation for diversity among team members
  • Understand the role of emotional intelligence in team dynamics
  • Understand the different kinds of trust and how to establish trust on a work team
  • Discuss their own and others’ personal & professional values
Course Outline

Characteristics of effective teams and team members
  • What roles and responsibilities help make an effective team member
  • How to help your organization use your valuable qualities as a team member
Stages of group development
  • How to diagnose the stages within teams
  • How to use this information to effectively address team problems
Diversity on Team
  • Understanding the different kinds of diversity and their impact on the team
  • Assessing diverse styles and values
Team Trust
  • Identifying participants’ trust factors
  • 13 trust-building behaviors
  • Creating trust accounts within a team
Assessing your leadership style
  • Your type of team leader
Leadership and Team Tools for Communication
  • Research on what communication makes teams most effective
  • Best practices for creating great team communication that results in exemplary performance
Constructive feedback
  • How to give it
  • How to receive it
Active listening
  • Five Levels of active listening
  • Personal assessments
  • Personal practice exercise
Conflict styles in teams
  • Personal assessment and identification of individual styles
  • Overview of 5 traditional styles
  • Eight steps towards making conflict constructive using a problem-solving style
  • Setting conflict resolution goals – application
Team or group dynamics
  • Overview of what to look for in teams
  • Exercise for observing/diagnosing effective and ineffective team dynamics
Different work styles
  • Personal assessment
  • Identify preferred styles
  • Understanding others’ and own strengths and weaknesses for each style
  • How to get along with someone who has a different style – how to maximize team diversity
Six Thinking Hats
  • Personal assessment
  • Overview of each of the six thinking and problem-solving styles
  • Exercise to observe/identify each “Hat” in action

Up to 30 students

  • Virtual Classes will be a live, Instructor lead class in Zoom for Government, a virtual technical assistant VTA will be available to assist students with any technical issues, take roll, administer evaluations, and distribute certificates of completion. Course materials will be provided electronically.
  • Onsite classes will be held at your location. The instructor will travel to you. Materials will be printed and shipped to your site. A sign-up sheet will be provided for student to enter their name (as they want it on their certificate) and the email address to send the certificate to. GSA travel costs will be added to the course fee. Contact us for a travel estimate.
  • A minimum of 2 weeks lead time is needed for virtual classes, 3 weeks for onsite classes.

Questions? Contact our training coordinator via email or phone at (202) 843.5447.

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