Building Cohesive Teams (MBTI or DISC)

4 hours Live online or 8 hours Live online
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Product Details

Session Description:

Teams are more productive when everyone is pulling in the same direction. Productivity is increased when people understand the contribution they make to the overall goal & have a stake in the team’s success.

This session will enable teams to explore in detail what it is they do & why, and how they can work together most productively.

Participants will learn how to create a shared vision & values for their team, and how to harness the contributions and strengths of individual team members for maximum impact. The session will draw on insights from the Myers-Briggs Personality Type model to enhance team working & cohesion.

Learning Objectives:

  • Explore individual & shared values to create a shared Team purpose & mission
  • Identify strengths & contributions of all team members
  • Understand how to work together most effectively as a Team


  • For use with existing teams
  • Myers Briggs Type Indicator self-assessment
  • Facilitated discussions & learning
  • Group work & practical exercises
  • Action planning for accountability & sustainable change

Target Audience:

  • Leaders at all levels
  • High-potential individual contributors
  • Staff at all levels
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