Leadership Through Influence: How to Get Commitment
1-Day Virtual or In-person
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Leadership Through Influence: How to Get Commitment
Learn techniques for improving influence skills, whether influencing an audience of one or one hundred, by structuring influence messages so that others will understand them and be more willing to consider them.
Influence is at the heart of most professions. Increasing others’ buy-in and commitment to ideas, suggestions, and directives are important to success at work. This workshop is designed to help participants assess how to build relationships with and how to communicate their ideas to others with credibility, confidence, and clarity. We will explore why some people are more influential than others and focus on specific how-to skill building. This helps participants with and without formal authority to create mutually beneficial outcomes.
Who Should Attend
Anyone who must generate commitment in others; new managers or those with management potential, especially when working in an environment characterized by diverse needs and interests.
You Will Learn
After this workshop, participants will be able to:
- Understand what people expect from formal & informal leaders, to be more influential
- Create lasting influence, rather than superficial influence where people just go through the motions
- Identify & assess situational factors that can either help or hinder your influence success
- Choose & tailor an influence strategy to meet the specific needs of a target audience
- Identify why someone might resist your influence attempt and how to address that resistance
- Learn how to tailor your communication skills to the influence target’s preferences (to be able to “speak their language”)
- Develop PowerTalking skills to maximize your impact and credibility
- Be a more prepared & self-confident agent of influence
- Design a personal plan for a real-world influence attempt
Course Outline
Strategic Influence Planning
- How to create an influence context that promotes buy-in (e.g., timing, location, values, relationship history, readiness), by assessing both helping and hindering forces and then planning accordingly
- How to assess the seven ways people can react to influence, including varying degrees of resistance
- How to understand why someone is resisting influence your influence
- How to design a strategy for dealing with resistance, based on an understanding of its root causes
Influential Communication Techniques
- How to speak the influence target’s language – the 10 languages of influence
- How to assess the person being influenced to use the most appropriate influence strategy options
- How to translate the influence agent’s message into the language most likely to persuade the influence target
- How to use Power Talk, to speak with confidence & clarity, so that others take you and your messages seriously
Up to 30 students
- Virtual Classes will be a live, Instructor lead class in Zoom for Government, a virtual technical assistant VTA will be available to assist students with any technical issues, take roll, administer evaluations, and distribute certificates of completion. Course materials will be provided electronically.
- Onsite classes will be held at your location. The instructor will travel to you. Materials will be printed and shipped to your site. A sign-up sheet will be provided for student to enter their name (as they want it on their certificate) and the email address to send the certificate to. GSA travel costs will be added to the course fee. Contact us for a travel estimate.
- A minimum of 2 weeks lead time is needed for virtual classes, 3 weeks for onsite classes.
Questions? Contact our training coordinator via email or phone at (202) 843.5447.
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Leadership Through Influence: How to Get Commitment
1-Day Virtual or In-person
Number of Participants
Delivery Method
If In-Person Delivery List Location Here
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Preferred Start Date (*minimum 10 business days from order date)
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Leadership Through Influence: How to Get Commitment
Learn techniques for improving influence skills, whether influencing an audience of one or one hundred, by structuring influence messages so that others will understand them and be more willing to consider them.
Influence is at the heart of most professions. Increasing others’ buy-in and commitment to ideas, suggestions, and directives are important to success at work. This workshop is designed to help participants assess how to build relationships with and how to communicate their ideas to others with credibility, confidence, and clarity. We will explore why some people are more influential than others and focus on specific how-to skill building. This helps participants with and without formal authority to create mutually beneficial outcomes.
Who Should Attend
Anyone who must generate commitment in others; new managers or those with management potential, especially when working in an environment characterized by diverse needs and interests.
You Will Learn
After this workshop, participants will be able to:
- Understand what people expect from formal & informal leaders, to be more influential
- Create lasting influence, rather than superficial influence where people just go through the motions
- Identify & assess situational factors that can either help or hinder your influence success
- Choose & tailor an influence strategy to meet the specific needs of a target audience
- Identify why someone might resist your influence attempt and how to address that resistance
- Learn how to tailor your communication skills to the influence target’s preferences (to be able to “speak their language”)
- Develop PowerTalking skills to maximize your impact and credibility
- Be a more prepared & self-confident agent of influence
- Design a personal plan for a real-world influence attempt
Course Outline
Strategic Influence Planning
- How to create an influence context that promotes buy-in (e.g., timing, location, values, relationship history, readiness), by assessing both helping and hindering forces and then planning accordingly
- How to assess the seven ways people can react to influence, including varying degrees of resistance
- How to understand why someone is resisting influence your influence
- How to design a strategy for dealing with resistance, based on an understanding of its root causes
Influential Communication Techniques
- How to speak the influence target’s language – the 10 languages of influence
- How to assess the person being influenced to use the most appropriate influence strategy options
- How to translate the influence agent’s message into the language most likely to persuade the influence target
- How to use Power Talk, to speak with confidence & clarity, so that others take you and your messages seriously
Up to 30 students
- Virtual Classes will be a live, Instructor lead class in Zoom for Government, a virtual technical assistant VTA will be available to assist students with any technical issues, take roll, administer evaluations, and distribute certificates of completion. Course materials will be provided electronically.
- Onsite classes will be held at your location. The instructor will travel to you. Materials will be printed and shipped to your site. A sign-up sheet will be provided for student to enter their name (as they want it on their certificate) and the email address to send the certificate to. GSA travel costs will be added to the course fee. Contact us for a travel estimate.
- A minimum of 2 weeks lead time is needed for virtual classes, 3 weeks for onsite classes.
Questions? Contact our training coordinator via email or phone at (202) 843.5447.
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